Summer League Schedule

Captains & Players:

Our sincerest thanks to you all for registering your team on time for the summer league. We appreciate your efforts in organizing your team. We know it’s never an easy task to do so in Ithaca. Kudos for that! We are pleased to present to you the summer schedules for the coed, O30 and open leagues. To the extent possible, we have done our best to accommodate all the team’s peculiar scheduling requests that were indicated in your registration submission. Be that as it may, let us know if you spot any issue and we’ll try to fix them if possible.

You can access the schedule using the two links below.


Open & O30:

Please note the following:

(1) We want to keep the league safe and fun for everyone. While we can all compete vigorously, we should be mindful not to cause needless injuries. At the end of play, we want to see folks go home in one piece.

(2) Team registration fee is due by the time of your second summer game.

(3) There will be a watch party for the Copa America & Euro games at the Northstar Backyard Beer Garden. It’s a great place to watch the games together for members of our Ithaca Soccer Community.

(4) Tompkins Cortland Community College (TC3) are still searching for a few players to fill out their women’s team this Fall. If you are interested (or know someone who is), and who want a good education, reach out to us and we’ll connect you or the person to the TC3 Athletic Director.

Happy Summer!