Category: Fields

21st Annual Guthrie Tournament, May 19-20, Cass Park

Let us know asap if your team is in for the Guthrie. The Guthrie is sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings Ithaca.
We’ll gather there before & after the tournament.
Soccer Fiesta !!! Fiesta de Futbol !!! Football Fiesta !!!
May 19-20 (coed/O-30/open)
(With Refreshments and Music)
The Ithaca United Soccer Club (IUSC) is pleased to extend a warm invitation to you to come participate (as a team or individual) in the 20th Annual Gordon “Guthrie” Campbell Fundraising Soccer Tournament scheduled on the following weekends:

May 19-20, 2018 (Saturday & Sunday) – Coed/O-30/Open Tournament
Place: Cass Park Field 2 & 5, Ithaca NY (on Rt. 89 by the lake).
Team Fee: $200 – Guaranteed minimum 3 games.
Format is two 25-minute halves, 7v7 (Coed plays 2 women minimum)

Registration Deadline Wed May 16th for the tournament. Let us know sooner.

For more information, and/or to register your team, please contact Ibe at or or visit IUSC website

The Guthrie Tournament, now in its 21st year, is Ithaca’s ultimate soccer fiesta uniquely blending competitive and fun soccer games of all skill levels with plenty of refreshments and music. It is our chance to leave the winter behind, get outside, and play the beautiful game. The tournament started in 1998 in memory of Gordon Campbell, a longtime resident of Dryden, who died unexpectedly in the fall of 1997. In celebration of his contributions to soccer as a coach, referee, soccer dad, player, team captain, advocate, and organizer, and to promote the beautiful game in Central NY, the IUSC requests club members, teams and unattached soccer players to join us for this very special event.
Háganos saber lo antes posible si su equipo está listo para el Guthrie. The Guthrie es patrocinado por Buffalo Wild Wings. Nos reuniremos allí antes y después del torneo.

Fiesta de fútbol !!! Fiesta de Futbol !!! Fiesta de fútbol !!!
19-20 de mayo (coed / O-30 / abierto)
(Con refrescos y música)
El Ithaca United Soccer Club (IUSC) se complace en hacerles llegar una cálida invitación para participar (como equipo o individual) en el 20 ° Torneo Anual de Fútbol Gordon Gordon “Guthrie” Campbell, programado para los siguientes fines de semana:

19-20 de mayo, 2018 (sábado y domingo) – Coed / O-30 / Open Tournament
Lugar: Cass Park Field 2 y 5, Ithaca NY (en la ruta 89 en el lago).
Tarifa del equipo: $ 200 – Mínimo de 3 juegos garantizados.
El formato es dos mitades de 25 minutos, 7v7 (Coed juega 2 mujeres como mínimo)

Fecha límite de inscripción el 16 de mayo para el torneo. Háganos saber antes.

Para obtener más información y / o registrar su equipo, contáctese con Ibe en o o visite el sitio web de IUSC

El Torneo Guthrie, ahora en su vigésimo primer año, es la última fiesta futbolística de Ítaca que combina juegos de fútbol competitivos y divertidos de todos los niveles con muchos refrescos y música. Es nuestra oportunidad de dejar atrás el invierno, salir y jugar el hermoso juego. El torneo comenzó en 1998 en memoria de Gordon Campbell, residente desde hace mucho tiempo de Dryden, quien murió inesperadamente en el otoño de 1997. En celebración de sus contribuciones al fútbol como entrenador, árbitro, padre de fútbol, ​​jugador, capitán del equipo, defensor, y organizador, y para promover el hermoso juego en el centro de Nueva York, el IUSC solicita a los miembros del club, equipos y jugadores de fútbol no asociados que se unan a nosotros para este evento tan especial.

Bankers Cup (7v7) Tournament: Saturday 4/21 @ The Field/Rink

The Bankers Cup is back!
1-day 7v7 Indoor Tournament @ The Field/Rink (East Shore Drive, Ithaca NY).
Trophy, prizes, food, music & drinks. 3 games guaranteed.
Email or call/text 607-339-1988 to sign up your team. Registration fee is $200.

The Bankers Cup was the first tournament IUSC organized at its inception in the 1980s. With support from the Tompkins Trust Company (one of the original & still thriving bank sponsors), we’re bringing the Bankers Cup tournament back.
¡La Copa de los banqueros está de vuelta!
Torneo indoor 7 días 7 días en el campo / pista (East Shore Drive).
Trofeo, premios, comida, música y bebidas. 3 juegos garantizados.
Envíe un correo electrónico a o llame / envíe un mensaje de texto al 607-339-1988 para inscribir a su equipo. La cuota de inscripción es de $ 200.

La Copa de los Banqueros fue el primer torneo organizado por IUSC en su inicio en la década de 1980. Con el apoyo de Tompkins Trust Company (uno de los patrocinadores originales y aún prósperos de los bancos), recuperamos el torneo de la Copa Bankers.

IUSC 2018 Winter League Registration is Open


We hope your holiday league seasons are going well. Our preparations for the next season are in full swing, so ….

Registration for the IUSC 2018 Winter Season is open through Wednesday, Jan. 11. We will offer Open, Coed and Over-30 leagues. Team fee is $1,000. You can send along a request for which Coed division you want to be in, but please remember that IUSC has the final say on classification to maintain competitive balance for the overall best interest of teams and the league as a whole. Games are 7-on-7 with two 25-minute halves and at least two women (or men) on the field at all times for Coed and Over-30. Each team will get 10 games starting from Jan. 24 to April 15.

To register, send the following to com :
* Team Name
* League
* Captain name and email
* Co-captain name and email
* Roster
* Scheduling Limitations

Teams are assumed to be available for any match date listed below unless otherwise specified. For the scheduling limitations field, please consider …
* SPRING BREAKS! A lot of different schools have different breaks, so spell out which ones need to be avoided for your team.
* Open Schedule: Primary match days will be in the 5, 6, 7 range on Saturdays. We will have to play it by ear depending on how many teams we get.
* Over-30 Schedule: Primary match times are 7 or 8 p.m. on Sundays and secondary match times are 7 or 8 p.m. Thursdays and 9 p.m. Sundays.
* Coed Schedule: Primary match times are 9 p.m. from Sundays to Thursdays. There might be a couple earlier starts (7 or 8 p.m.) and a few later starts (10 p.m.) We’ll have to wait and see as the facility finalizes field availability as we get closer to the end of registration.

If you have any questions, let us know. Cheers …

Futsal Registration Open

Futsal League Registration
Registration for the Futsal league is open and will close on Friday, Nov. 10. We’ll be using Boynton Middle School (and sometimes ACS) gym. Team fee is $300 (no change from last year). Games are 5-on-5 with two 25-minute halves and at least one woman (or man) on the court (gym) during the game. A player can be on the roster of two teams only.
Time to show your ball control skills and ability to play in tight situations!
To register, send us an email or text with the following details:
* Team Name
* Captain name and email
* Co-captain name and email
* Roster
Please note:
Games are on Sundays from 9:00am to 3:00pm on these dates for Session I & II:
November: 12 (Pre-season) & 19;
December: 3, 10 & 17;
January: 7, 14, 21 & 28;
February: 4, 11, & 25;
March: 4, 11, 18 & 25;
April: 1, 8, 15 & 22

Holiday League Registration Now Open

Registration for the 2017-18 season is open and will close on Friday, Nov. 3. We will have Coed and Over-30 leagues. Team fee is $1,000. You can send along a request for which Coed division you want to be in, but please remember that IUSC has the final say on classification to stay in line with the best interest for teams as a whole. Games are 7-on-7 with two 25-minute halves and at least two women (or men) on the field at all times.

The season will start Sunday, Nov. 12 and run through Sunday, Jan. 21. Holiday windows are automatically blacked out for Nov. 21-25 and Dec. 22 to Jan. 1 … BUT, if you’d like to play games in the stretch of Dec. 26-28, let us know and we’ll use the dates if other teams are also available.

To register, send the following to :
* Team Name
* League
* Captain name and email
* Co-captain name and email
* Roster
* Scheduling Limitations

For the scheduling limitations field, please consider …
Over-30 Schedule
* Primary match times are 7 or 8 p.m. on Sundays (Nov. 12, Nov. 19, Nov. 26, Dec. 3, Dec. 10, Dec. 17, Jan. 7, Jan. 14 and Jan. 21)
* Secondary match times are 7 or 8 p.m. Thursdays (Nov. 16, Nov. 30, Dec. 7, Dec. 14, Dec. 21, Jan. 4, Jan. 11, Jan. 18).
* There’s an off chance I’ll need to mix in 9 p.m. Tuesdays, depending on how many teams we get.

Coed Schedule
* Primary match times are 7, 8 and 9 p.m. on Thursdays, and 9 p.m. on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
* Secondary start times would be 10 p.m. Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
* There’s an off chance I’ll need to mix in 10 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, depending on how many teams we get.
* If you prefer 10 p.m. start times, let me know and I’ll be happy to get you a lot of them. But saying you’re unavailable for 10 p.m. games is not an option — everyone will likely have to play a couple of them.

Holiday League Registration Soon

We are at the tail end of the Fall League. So far the Fall season has gone spectacularly well. Very soon, we’ll open up registration for the Holiday Season League. Start organizing your players and get ready to sign up your team when registration finally opens. Cheers

Fall Registration

Registration for the IUSC 2017 Fall League is open through Monday, Aug. 28. We will offer Open, Coed and Over-30 leagues. Team fee is $1,000 for Coed, $500 for Over-30 and $500 for Open. You can send along a request for which Coed division you want to be in, but please remember that IUSC has the final say on classification to maintain competitive balance for the overall best interest of teams and the league as a whole.

Just as we did for the summer, Open is now 7-on-7 and will be played on the smaller fields at Cass Park and Union Field that are traditionally used for Over-30 — two 25-minutes halves with most games on Sundays. Coed remains on the full field under the same format, with the majority of games on Saturdays. Each team will get 10 games starting as early as Wednesday, Sept. 6 and running until Oct. 29. In all divisions, there will be some form of playoffs … though we will have to look at the team registry upon completion to figure out what the best option is.

To register, send the following to :
* Team Name
* League
* Captain name and email
* Co-captain name and email
* Roster
* Scheduling Limitations

Teams are assumed to be available for any match date listed below unless otherwise specified. As you know, I will accommodate any reasonable scheduling limitations, but you have to let me know before I write the schedule. Once the schedule is posted, it is final! We do not reschedule any games for any reason other than weather-related field concerns, so get with your teams ahead of time and figure out if there are particularly problematic dates. Some things to consider are Porchfest (Sept. 24) and Columbus Day weekend/Cornell Fall Break (Oct. 6-10).

* Coed Schedule: Primary match times are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, with secondary start times of 6:15 and 8:15 p.m. Monday and Wednesday or 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.
* Over-30 Schedule: Primary match times are 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, with secondary match times of 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday and 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.
* Open Schedule: Primary match times are early to mid-afternoon on Sunday. Secondary start times are 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday and 8 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.

We will continue to use Buttermilk Falls on Saturdays for Coed. Cass Park will also host Coed games on Field 2 (nearest Route 89), Field 3A (nearest the dog park) and/or Field 3B (nearest the rink) on Saturdays, and Union Field under the lights on weeknights. Open and Over-30 will be played at Cass Park in Ithaca, either on Field 1 (near the inlet), Field 5 (near Hangar) or Union Field (under the lights).

Again, registration will end Monday, Aug. 28. My plan is to distribute PDFs of the schedule to captains by Friday, Sept. 1 (with an earlier heads-up to any teams scheduled to play Sept. 6 or Sept. 7). You can find the schedule on the website soon thereafter.

Summer League

Captains & Players:

The 2017 summer league is in full swing. We will be posting the schedule and updating the standings on this website shortly. Again, we would like to commend you all for organizing your team and registering on time. Thanks to Brandon for crafting the schedule that meets every team’s scheduling requests, and to Michal for taking care of the website. A few things to note:

1. Remember this is a recreational league for fun & fitness. Yes, it can be competitive, but it isn’t the World Cup. Let’s keep it safe, and as much as possible minimize injuries while playing the game we all love. Remember referees are humans and can or do sometimes make mistakes. This should not prevent you from enjoying the game. Let’s keep it respectful. Our league is family-friendly.

2. Both Buttermilk & Cass Park have a “Trash-in-Trash-out” Policy, and they expect us to clean up after our games. So do take a moment to tidy up after your team’s game. Help keep the parks clean and assist us in maintaining good relations with the city & state parks where we play.

3. If you have not already done so, bring your registration fee to your next game, or mail a check to 1583 Mecklenburg Rd, Ithaca NY 14850. Check should be made out to IUSC.

Thanks for your attention to these matters, and most importantly thanks for signing up and playing in the IUSC league. Have a fantastic summer. See you all on the pitch.